... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Why Jesus Came for You

Why did Jesus come to this earth?

What was the point of that whole Bethlehem, starry night, baby in a manger thing?
People talk about “Jesus” – but what was He about? Bottom line – Why did He come for me? Why did He come for you?

Understanding why Jesus came is probably …. no, not probably … absolutely the most important thing for anyone to understand.

It is the single, most important thing we can possibly ever know, because it’s the difference between life and death. Eternal life and eternal death.


Would you like to know more about why Jesus came for you? Then just click on the button below to listen to some short messages about that very thing.

And may you be blessed as you discover the most beautiful truth that has ever been told.