... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Discover Your Destiny

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So many people are like refugees in search of an identity. What’s life all about? Who am I? Where am I headed? What’s my destiny?In part that’s because we don’t really know where we’ve come from and who we are. And in part, it’s because we’re living out the consequences of some of the things that we’ve done wrong.In this series – Discover Your Destiny – Berni Dymet explores God’s perspective and God’s plan for each one of us. Turns out that God has a whole bunch to say in His Word about money, our attitudes

Episode 1. The Roadblock Between You and Your Destiny

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At some point we get this sense that there’s some destiny out there for us – something we’re missing out on. And yet for many people there’s a roadblock – a big one – between them, and …

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Episode 2. Becoming Who God Made You to Be

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So many people aren’t happy with who they are, how they look, how they think and speak and … and yet each one of us is who God made us to be. And He made us with a specific purpose in mind so in …

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Episode 3. Getting the Most Out of Life

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Have you ever had that … that sense that there must be something more to life than what you’re getting out of it? Most of us have. And there’s a reason for that. Because there is something more …

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Episode 4. The Top 3 Obstacles to Destiny

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We all have some sense of destiny – some life we’re meant to be living, something that we’re called to. Some people have a good handle on it even, and yet there are obstacles. Roadblocks that …

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Hi Berni and team, Thank you so much for your teaching today on “Who God is calling us to be”. I am that person you describe when you said, ‘are you that person who hates photos and videos taken of them?’Iif I see a photo of myself I will start pulling myself apart…So much so that when my husband and I get together with his family (it’s a big family), for the photo (at a wedding or event), I make sure that when the photographer takes the photo I bob down so I can’t be seen!!!!!
This teaching is a real answer to prayer, because just the other day I asked God to help me to see myself like He sees me….I have never thought that I am good enough and if someone pays me a compliment I say “it’s nothing any one could do that”.. But I do know that Jesus loves me, I love Him so much.Thank you Berni.

Berni Dymet

Hallelujah! 🙂 -Berni

Tricia Ycasas

I guess that the feeling of worthlessness that you wrote about is something that many, if not everyone, can relate to. Thank you for your honesty and humility that helped me look back and remember what Christ did for me. I was once that old violin too but He saw beyond the battered appearance. He turned me from worthless to priceless.

Tongayi Mwedzi

Awesome, loved the “ugly duckling syndrome” Wanted to read on and on. Thank you very much

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