... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Stress Busters

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We all feel some stress, sometimes. That’s normal. But way too many of us are living our lives in a constant state of stress and that’s not good. It impacts us emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, relationally and physically. So if God is God, surely He has something to say about stress, some bit of wisdom to relieve the pressure. Surely He cares … doesn’t He?
Join Berni Dymet in this practical and powerful series – Stress Busters – as he takes a look at how you can minimise unnecessary stress, and flourish … even when the pressure’s on.

Episode 1. The Anatomy of Stress

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Stress comes in all different shapes and sizes, but whatever the cause, none of us was made to be under constant stress; and yet, that’s how many people are living: In a constant state of stress. …

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Episode 2. Stress - Inside and Outside

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Sometimes stress is triggered by other people, or circumstances … things “out there” … many of which we don’t have any control over. Other times, its something we bring on …

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Episode 3. Three Ways to Eliminate Stress

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There are all sorts of things in this world that cause stress. I’ve heard so many ridiculous ways of relieving stress: have a cup of tea, take a hot shower. OK so they might relieve the symptoms …

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Episode 4. Power from Above

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Stress is affecting so many people, in fact, it’s a global pandemic and what we’ve all discovered is that the shallow, band aid solutions that the world offers us simply don’t work. …

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Marilyn Neason

I think that this is such a blessing to those who truly love the Lord and who want to grow in the Lord. Keep up the great work!
God Bless 😇

Carrie Osterud

Thank you Jesus so much for your words today. I needed to hear this today my husband and I just refinanced our house to pay off some debt we got into, and I found that not all of our debt is getting paid off, but the big ones are. So I was stressing out about it, but now I’m going to let God take the wheel so to speak. Thank you

Berni Dymet

Praying for you Janet! Philippians 4:6-8 Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Janet Carter

Thank you so much Berni. This message is exactly what I needed. I do trust God but I seem to let stress and
worry into my life. Can you please pray for me, that God’s peace will be the sentinel of my heart, mind and life.
I’m so tired and I really need God’s peace right now.

Lisa Pate

Excellent teaching. Thank you!


We’re so quick to stress because stress is a feeling and as you’ve mentioned it’s a response and responses are generally feelings just like Eve felt she wanted something she all ready had but I guess Eve would’ve felt stressed for the first time as making the choice to disobey so the devil made Eve stress as that she had eternity to decide but the devil knew the longer we don’t act the weaker the stress gets and we all know that worry and stress disconnects us from God the true stress reliever as He would walk with Adam talking and answering all of Adams questions or STRESS

Debra Scott

This was very helpful. I am out of wk right know due to a shoulder injury and I am afraid my injury won’t heal properly due to my age of 65.. I want to go to wk but I can’t raise my right arm yet so I feel very stressed. I have worked since I was 17 and I’m lost since I’ve never been out of wk. It is what defines me as a person.

Berni Dymet

Brenda, this is for you:
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.

Brenda Pratt

I learned from it. I cried many times when reading through it. I needed this at this time in my life .

Berni Dymet

Thanks Onesmus. It’s a privilege to be able to share God’s Word. Just share the page URL with your friends. May it be a blessing too many. Berni@CW