... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

A Powerful Partnership

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Proverbs 16:9 People can plan what they want to do, but it is the LORD who guides their steps.

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Teamwork – people with different perspectives, skills sets and experiences working together toward a common goal – is what makes the world go around, wouldn’t you agree? We can achieve so much more together than we can apart.

And as much as working with other people can be a pain in the neck sometimes – come on, it can! – the ability of teams to achieve infinitely more than individuals is an absolute truism.

Today you’re either watching, listening to, or reading this Fresh devotional message in one of a dozen languages through a host of different media channels. That’s only possible because of the amazing team who together make it happen.

Okay, conflict sometimes happens – blessedly in ours, not so much. But all those different perspectives and skill sets mean that you end up (a) making far fewer missteps, far fewer mistakes, and (b) producing a much better result. So imagine having God on your team.

No, hang on, that’s completely the wrong way of looking at it. Imagine being on God’s team. That feels a lot better, right? Well, that’s exactly what God has in mind:

Proverbs 16:9 People can plan what they want to do, but it is the LORD who guides their steps.

Have you ever sat around a table with a bunch of people planning something? It’s kind of fun, isn’t it? But just imagine if both in the planning and the execution phases, God was there; God was guiding your steps. How much better would that be?!

By all means, set about planning what you want to do … but make room for God to guide your steps.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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