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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Blind Fool That I Am

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Psalm 19:12,13 People cannot see their own mistakes, so don’t let me commit secret sins. Don’t let me do what I know is wrong. Don’t let sin control me. If you help me, I can be pure and free from sin.

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None of us wants to admit to ourselves (let alone to the rest of the world) that we have a certain blind spot in our makeup, deep in our soul, that’s ruining our lives – not a single one of us. 

Our pride makes dealing with our blind spots difficult. Some put on a brave face to cover up the deep hurts inside. Others withdraw into their shell knowing that something isn’t right inside, even if they can’t quite put their finger on it.

And the reason we so often can’t put our finger on it is that, by very definition, a blind spot is a problem that we can’t really see or figure out for ourselves. The trick to dealing with those blind spots and their often devastating consequences is to have someone else shine a light into them to reveal them to us.

But before that can happen, we need to humble ourselves by admitting that something’s wrong and that we’re powerless to do anything about it. This is how the psalmist puts that in his prayer to God:

Psalm 19:12,13 People cannot see their own mistakes, so don’t let me commit secret sins. Don’t let me do what I know is wrong. Don’t let sin control me. If you help me, I can be pure and free from sin.

In fact, not only does he admit that he’s a blind fool, but he’s expressing a desire not to constantly be caught up in his secret sin. His plea to God is this: If you help me, I can be pure and free from sin.

And that’s exactly what God wants for you too. It begins with a desire for change. It begins with an open, humble heart. 

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

Also available to listen on:


Ethan Crawshaw

Hi John,
We won’t be able to pull the background audio out of the videos as it is a part of the edited product. However, I would recommend using the auto subtitles on youtube or reading along with the transcript in the post or video description.

Hopefully, this is helpful, God Bless,


Thank you so much for these Fresh (video) messages but may I please ask that you turn off the background music whilst Bernie is talking? I’ am not about anyone else but this music stops me from concentrating on what Bernie is saying.. Thank you.

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