Don’t Be So Shy
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Romans 1:16 I am proud of the Good News, because it is the power God uses to save everyone who believes—to save the Jews first, and now to save those who are not Jews.
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Download audio fileBy and large, pride is far from a good thing. When we’re full of ourselves and our own self-importance … well, that’s ugly, right? And God opposes the proud, 100% of the time. But sometimes pride can be a good thing.
Like most parents, I’m proud of how my (now adult) children have turned out. They’re each really good people and that’s a joy to me. Is there anything wrong with that? Not really. Pride is only ever a problem when it’s misplaced, when it’s focussed on ourselves rather than on others.
And by others, I’m including God. Because frankly, what I see when I look around, is a whole bunch of people who call themselves Christians who not only aren’t all that proud of Him, but in the face of mounting opposition, they’re altogether too shy – ashamed even – of the Saviour who gave His life for them. But not the Apostle Paul:
Romans 1:16 I am proud of the Good News, because it is the power God uses to save everyone who believes—to save the Jews first, and now to save those who are not Jews.
If we profess to believe in Jesus, then let’s stop being shy about Him. Sure, some people will revile you for speaking plainly of Christ, but as a man by the name of Pat Steele puts it: The tragedy of people going to hell for eternity concerns me more than if people like me or not right now. I am a follower of Jesus and I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.
Don’t be ashamed of the Good News of Jesus. Someone’s life depends on it!
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.