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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Don’t Bow Down to Evil

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Daniel 3:3-6 All you people from many nations and language groups, listen to me. This is what you are commanded to do: You must bow down as soon as you hear the sound of all the musical instruments. When you hear the horns, flutes, lyres, sambucas, harps, bagpipes, and all the other musical instruments, you must worship the gold idol. King Nebuchadnezzar has set this idol up. Whoever does not bow down and worship this gold idol will immediately be thrown into a very hot furnace.”

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The world, more and more it seems these days, is requiring us, God’s people, to bow down to evil; to stop speaking against it; not only to accept it, but to applaud it. And the consequences for disobedience are becoming more severe, more dangerous by the day.

That’s something I’ve certainly seen in my neck of the woods, and wherever you may live it’s doubtless something you’re seeing in your context too. It seems like the tide of persecution is rising. But truly, there’s nothing new in that.

Back when Israel was in captivity and slavery in Babylon in the 6th Century BC, the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, demanded they bow down and worship a huge, golden statue of himself:

Daniel 3:5,6 All you people from many nations and language groups, listen to me. This is what you are commanded to do: You must bow down as soon as you hear the sound of all the musical instruments. When you hear the horns, flutes, lyres, sambucas, harps, bagpipes, and all the other musical instruments, you must worship the gold idol. King Nebuchadnezzar has set this idol up. Whoever does not bow down and worship this gold idol will immediately be thrown into a very hot furnace.”

Daniel and his mates refused, and true to his word, Nebuchadnezzar threw them into the furnace. If you know the rest of the story, you’ll know that God stepped in miraculously and saved them. But things don’t always turn out that way.

Centuries later, Jesus refused to bow down to evil too. They crucified Him! Whatever the outcome, whatever the cost, don’t bow down to evil.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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