Easter Cocktail
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Matthew 20:18-20 Jesus said to them, “We are going to Jerusalem. The Son of Man will be handed over to the leading priests and the teachers of the law, and they will say he must die. They will hand him over to the foreigners, who will laugh at him and beat him with whips, and then they will kill him on a cross. But on the third day after his death, he will be raised to life again.”
Listen to the radio broadcast of Easter Cocktail
Download audio fileThere are some pretty bizarre celebrations out there in society. We people do some crazy things. We have parades for horse races. Nations shut down for football games. But Easter … I think Easter would have to be the craziest of them all.
So why am I saying that Easter is such a weird “festival”, if I can call it that? Well, just about all of us will be munching on way too many chocolate Easter eggs delivered by … wait for this … the Easter bunny! Now that’s really weird.
Back when I was at school we had an Easter Bonnet Parade each year too, where we all had to make and wear these outrageous hats.
And then, to top it all off, those Christians all go to church because Jesus – the Son of God, they say – was crucified and then rose from the dead. So they say.
What a weird cocktail! And we call it “Easter”. Hmm.
Matthew 20:18-20 Jesus said to them, “We are going to Jerusalem. The Son of Man will be handed over to the leading priests and the teachers of the law, and they will say he must die. They will hand him over to the foreigners, who will laugh at him and beat him with whips, and then they will kill him on a cross. But on the third day after his death, he will be raised to life again.”
If Jesus is who He said He is – just humour me here for a minute – then the fact that He died and rose again … well, it’d have to mean something, wouldn’t it?
The question is: What? As we hurtle inexorably toward another Easter, can I ask you, what does it mean to you? What does Jesus dying for you and rising again mean to you here and now, two thousand and something years on?
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Eileen Johnson
I believe that Jesus die on the cross for all of our sins an thank god he did. I don’t believe in Easter.
Henry Davies
Thanks Berni for your enlightening words ,
We’re so busy lambing at the moment . Not much time to sleep 😴 at all ! All this , just to feed and sustain the human race , while we are on earth 🌍.
And pay our bills firstly of course .
BUT if we don’t see tomorrow for some unknown reason , WHAT an insurance it is to know that we are assured an eternal LIFE , IF WE JUST BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST !!
I pray we don’t hang around any longer ! Just pay the price of this insurance ! Believe IT !!
Amen 🙏.
Thanks Henry.