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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Even When You Grow Old …

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Psalm 92:12-15 Good people are like budding palm trees. They grow strong like the cedar trees of Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the LORD. They grow strong there in the courtyards of our God. Even when they are old, they will continue producing fruit like young, healthy trees. They are there to show everyone that the LORD is good. He is my Rock, and he does no wrong.

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One of the great tragedies playing itself out as a global pandemic these days is to see older men and women – those with the experience and wisdom of years – give up on life.

What do I mean by giving up on life? I mean that they stop serving other people. They stop giving of their gifts, abilities and time (which they now have in abundance) to bless others. Look, at some point it’s natural to cease paid employment. Fine.

But way too often, people decide that now … It’s all about me. I’ll cruise around the world. I’ll find enjoyable things to occupy myself. So little by little, they end up focussing more and more on themselves, wasting their abilities, experience and wisdom.

But that’s not how it’s meant to go, because the more inward focussed you are, the less satisfying life becomes. So, here’s God’s plan in case you’re wondering:

Psalm 92:12-15 Good people are like budding palm trees. They grow strong like the cedar trees of Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the LORD. They grow strong there in the courtyards of our God. Even when they are old, they will continue producing fruit like young, healthy trees. They are there to show everyone that the LORD is good. He is my Rock, and he does no wrong.

Sure, as we grow older our bodies do let us know, until they finally give up the ghost. But those who belong to the Lord are meant to keep on producing fruit … just like the young, healthy trees. Their job is to show everyone through the life they lead that the Lord is good.

Don’t give up on life. Keep producing fruit.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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