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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Flying Under the Radar

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Matthew 6:1 Be careful! When you do something good, don’t do it in front of others so that they will see you. If you do that, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

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Can I ask you an uncomfortable question? To what extent are you driven by recognition? To what extent do you long for others to think well of you, to speak well of you, even to admire you? Well?

We live in a world that worships celebrities, a world where some young kid becomes an “Instagram influencer” amassing hundreds of thousands, even millions, of followers. It’s crazy. And then we get to imagining that we too should be recognised, known, admired –  otherwise we simply haven’t made it in life.

Being a recognition junkie is an ugly thing because it means that you’re being driven by pride – and God always, as we know, opposes the proud.

And yet as I think about it, the people I admire most aren’t like that. My first pastor, Phil, spent a lifetime helping needy people like me. A good friend of mine, Dave in Kansas City, dedicated his life to reaching people across the world with the love of Jesus Christ. But you’ll probably never know what either of them looks like.

It’s as though these people of substance, these people of impact, fly under the radar without most of us ever noticing.

Jesus was like that. He didn’t go to get His theological credentials stamped by the religious leaders of His day. Instead, He hung around with the flotsam and jetsam of society.

You know, my hunch is that the sooner we figure out that it’s okay to fly under the radar, the sooner we’ll have some peace about who we are and what God’s called us to do.

Matthew 6:1 Be careful! When you do something good, don’t do it in front of others so that they will see you. If you do that, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

Don’t be a recognition junkie.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Truth Rhames

This Is A Very Great Reminder.
Usually when someone doesn’t notice the things I do I tend to take it personally and act deeply depressed as if someone were neglecting me. However, thank you Fresh for today for helping me embark on God’s love instead❤👍🏼🤗

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