God Does Some Odd Things
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Matthew 3:1,2 In those days John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”(NRSV)
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Download audio fileIf God called you to do something that surprised you, that felt like it was completely beyond you, that looked like He needed to find someone much more qualified than you … would you go anyway? Well, would you?
Let’s be honest, God does some odd things sometimes. Take John the Baptist; a voice crying out in the wilderness; a man whom God chose and sent out to prepare the way of the Lord.
Now by any measure John was a misfit. He wore camel’s hair and ate locusts and honey. He didn’t go to a Bible college or have his credentials stamped by the religious hierarchy. No, he was a voice crying out in the wilderness with a message that was so incredibly unpopular.
Matthew 3:1,2 In those days John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”(NRSV)
“Repent” – in other words turn away from your sin – “because the kingdom of God is near”. And He baptised the people that flocked to him and told them, “Sure, I’m baptising you with water but one much more powerful than me is coming – and He will baptise you with the Sprit and with fire.”
Now if you or I had been God, would we have chosen a misfit like John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus, the Creator of the Universe and the Saviour of the world? Probably not.
It’s easy for us to imagine that God reserves His most important jobs for important-looking people – people who have their act together.
But open your Bible. More often than not, He gives those jobs to people whom you simply wouldn’t expect – people like you and me.
Stop comparing yourself with the beautiful people and get on and do what God is calling you to do.
That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Brett and Evalien Sutcliffe
Thanks Berni and team for being willing servants our the Lord Jesus Christ.
It’s amazing, regardless of what is going on in our lives, how His Word sends home His message that is exactly relevant to our lives at the times when whatever is happening. When His message & your daily devotional comes our way, it contains that wonderful” special something” that seems to be exactly what is needed for that “where one is at that moment”. God is cool like that, isn’t He?!
Those special moments when you just don’t know it anymore, God does!
And fills the need precisely! It’s extra cool, because our Lord Jesus knows what we as humans feel and can go through. That is reassuring and another example of His Almighty Sovereignty and grace.
Thanks again for the daily devotional and your perseverance. God bless you all and your families.