It’s How You Wait that Matters
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Psalm 130:5,6 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning. (NRSV)
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Download audio fileYou can’t read the Bible for any length of time without coming to a very unpleasant conclusion. God expects us to be patient. And the getting of patience involves a lot of waiting around when what we’d rather see is some action on God’s part.
We’re all different. Some people are more the gung-ho, action types while others are more laid back and relaxed. I’m one of the former types, so the idea of waiting around for God to do stuff has never been one that I’ve naturally warmed to.
I mean, come on … when you need a breakthrough, you want it now, right? When you need healing, when you’re confronted with some difficulty, you want God to fix it, not next month, or even next week. You want Him to fix it today!
So, the easiest thing to do is … sure, you wait on God because you don’t have any choice … but you do it with a bad attitude, with impatience, with grumbling in your heart … am I right? That’s probably how the psalmist felt when he wrote this:
Psalm 130:1,2 LORD, I am in deep trouble, so I am calling to you for help. My Lord, listen to me. Listen to my cry for help.
We’ve all been there; we all get that. But just a few verses down he goes on to say …
Psalm 130:5,6 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning. (NRSV)
That word “wait” means literally to wait with expectation, with hope, with anticipation, that God’s going to do something. How can he have that hope? Because his hope is in the Word of the Lord which is alive and active, which will stand forever and never fail.
Wait patiently and hope in the Word.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.