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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Shifting Our Priorities

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Mark 9:36,37 Then Jesus took a small child and stood the child in front of the followers. He held the child in his arms and said, “Whoever accepts children like these in my name is accepting me. And anyone who accepts me is also accepting the one who sent me.”

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Serving others is something that, on the one hand, we know we need to do. But on the other, we often find it inconvenient, undesirable … even downright demeaning.

When you think about it, doing things for others is what makes the world go round. It’s how we can live in houses we’d never have been able to build for ourselves, to drive vehicles we’d never have been able to manufacture … even simply to clean our teeth with a toothbrush we’d never have been able to fashion.

Mostly, service requires payment. That’s what drives the economy after all. But the best kind of service is the sort that comes for free … well, never for free, but by the sacrifice of the one rendering the service.

The sacrifice of parents in bringing up their children. Of a friend, or even a stranger, in helping someone. That’s why in teaching His disciples about true greatness …

Mark 9:36,37 … Jesus took a small child and stood the child in front of the followers. He held the child in his arms and said, “Whoever accepts children like these in my name is accepting me. And anyone who accepts me is also accepting the one who sent me.”

To the extent that we serve the least in society, the least in our lives, we’re serving Jesus. To the extent that we hold out a hand of love and acceptance to the seemingly insignificant people in this world, we’re holding our hand out to God.

Whom is He calling you to serve? Whom is He calling you to love and to accept? Because to the extent that you love them, serve them, accept them – you’re loving, serving, accepting God Himself.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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