The Blah, Blah, Blah, Treatment
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Mark 1:22 They were amazed at his teaching. He did not teach like their teachers of the law. He taught like someone with authority.
Listen to the radio broadcast of The Blah, Blah, Blah, Treatment
Download audio filePreaching … sermons … can that really still be a thing in the 21st century, in this time and place where a four and a half minute YouTube video is way too long to hold our attention? Surely not. Surely that time has passed. Or has it?
I remember as a young lad being dragged along to church; hard wooden pews, sitting still for an hour (a whole hour, can you believe that?!) and then the sermon – this guy just droning on – at least, that’s how it seemed to me as a child.
He may just as well have been saying, “Blah, blah, blah,” for all the good it did me. I guess I’m not alone here and as an adult, those memories, as they do for many, clouded my perception of who God truly is.
Early in His public ministry, Jesus walked into a synagogue in Capernaum and started teaching. But Jesus … well, he elicited quite a different reaction from those listening to the one I’ve just shared with you from my younger years. In fact …
Mark 1:22 They were amazed at his teaching. He did not teach like their teachers of the law. He taught like someone with authority.
So these people were astounded because He taught them with such an amazing sense of power and authority, which stood in such stark contrast to what their other teachers dished up.
Why was that? Why was His teaching and preaching so different from the sermon du jure to which they were accustomed?
Because, empowered by the Holy Spirit, Jesus was speaking the very Word of God and when God speaks, there’s a ring of authenticity that you just can’t miss. It’s as clear as a bell.
Whatever preaching you partake of, make sure of these two things; that it’s Spirit empowered and that it rings true with the authenticity of Scripture.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Henry Davies
I was reading from The NIV Bible last evening , Luke ch 2:v 42 . When he was 12 years old , . (His parents lost him) verse 47 . Everyone who heard Him was amazed at his understanding and His answers. When his parents saw him , they were astonished 😮 . His wisdom was unbelievable at such a young age , surely He must be The Son Of God ! Thanks again for bringing these pointers to us of how different Jesus really was ! Thanks 🙏 .