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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Power is the Proof

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1 Corinthians 2:3-5 When I came to you, I was weak and shook with fear. My teaching and my speaking were not with wise words that persuade people. But the proof of my teaching was the power that the Spirit gives. I did this so that your faith would be in God’s power, not in human wisdom.

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Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to change just a single bad habit? Giving up smoking, quelling your hair-trigger anger, dealing with the negative self-talk rattling around your brain and poisoning your heart – whatever it may be, those bad habits just don’t want to let go.

Over this past week we’ve been chatting about the enormity of God’s love for us in sending Jesus to die on that Cross to pay for your sin and mine. To many, it doesn’t make sense. To many, it seems foolish.

And yet there is no greater love in all of human history than the Son of God hanging on a Cross for something He didn’t deserve, to pay a debt that you and I could never pay.

But where’s the proof? How do we know it’s true? How do we know that this whole Christianity thing actually works? Well, here it is – the Apostle Paul once more writing to the 1st Century church in Corinth:

1 Corinthians 2:3-5 When I came to you, I was weak and shook with fear. My teaching and my speaking were not with wise words that persuade people. But the proof of my teaching was the power that the Spirit gives. I did this so that your faith would be in God’s power, not in human wisdom.

Looking for proof? The proof is in the power. Not in anyone’s great preaching. Not merely in words. Not because I say so or even the Bible says so. But because when you put your trust in Jesus, He unleashes His power to help you live in victory over your bad habits – to set you free from your sin.

In short, Christianity works. The proof is in the power.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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