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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Price of Your Fresh Start

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1 Peter 1:18,19 You know that in the past the way you were living was useless. It was a way of life you learned from those who lived before you. But you were saved from that way of living. You were bought, but not with things that ruin like gold or silver. You were bought with the precious blood of Christ’s death. He was a pure and perfect sacrificial Lamb.

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Whenever we stop to reflect on the sacrifices that others have made for us to get us to where we are, it rocks you to the core, doesn’t it? That’s because gratitude is an incredibly powerful life-force.

When I think of what my parents sacrificed to give me the life and the education they gave me – having emigrated here from a devastated Europe after WWII, not knowing the language or the culture, starting everything about their lives from scratch … it completely blows me away.

Or the friends who stood by me during the tough times. Or my wife, who’s travelled all the ups and downs of ministry and life with me. It just blows me away that people would do this … for me!

How about you? Who are those people in your life? How does reflecting on their sacrifices make you feel? It’s deeply humbling and completely awesome all at the same time, right? But there’s One whose sacrifice is absolutely life-changing:

1 Peter 1:18,19 You know that in the past the way you were living was useless. It was a way of life you learned from those who lived before you. But you were saved from that way of living. You were bought, but not with things that ruin like gold or silver. You were bought with the precious blood of Christ’s death. He was a pure and perfect sacrificial Lamb.

When you reflect on what it actually cost Jesus to save you, what He suffered … it totally transforms the way you see things, how you feel and how you live. Gratitude is such a powerful life-force. Allow it to change you, because …

You were bought with the precious blood of Christ’s death.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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