The Sin of Sodom
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Ezekiel 16:49 Your sister Sodom and her daughters were proud. They had too much to eat and too much time on their hands, and they did not help poor, helpless people.
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Download audio fileMost of us last night slept in a soft, warm bed with a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs. Most of us – but not all of us. Isn’t it funny how easily we can take those simple luxuries for granted.
I’m guessing that we’ve all heard of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah – the cities that God destroyed. Why? Well, what we remember is their sexual immorality. After all, we derive the word ‘sodomy’ from the city of Sodom.
But have a listen to what God says was their real sin.
Ezekiel 16:49 Your sister Sodom and her daughters were proud. They had too much to eat and too much time on their hands, and they did not help poor, helpless people.
That’s pretty sobering. Most of us imagine that we live in relatively modest circumstances. My wife and I live in an apartment on a ministry salary. It’s nice, but nothing flash. I’m sure that as you look around at your circumstances, you wouldn’t use a word like “wealthy” to describe yourself.
What we don’t realise is that compared to billions in developing nations – those who are starving, who are dying for lack of clean drinking water and basic medical care – we actually live in the lap of luxury.
What was Sodom’s real sin? With so much to eat, with so much time on their hands … they didn’t help poor, helpless people.
You and I, we can make all the excuses under the sun (I don’t have all that much to give. What difference can I possibly make?) but so long as we ignore the heart of God for the poor, in His eyes we’re no better than those Sodomites.
God has a mighty heart that beats for those in need who can’t help themselves. We ignore it at our eternal peril.
That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.