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The Via Dolorosa

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Matthew 27:28-31 They took off Jesus’ clothes and put a red robe on him. Then they made a crown from thorny branches and put it on his head, and they put a stick in his right hand. Then they bowed before him, making fun of him. They said, “We salute you, king of the Jews!” They spit on him. Then they took his stick and kept hitting him on the head with it. After they finished making fun of him, the soldiers took off the robe and put his own clothes on him again. Then they led him away to be killed on a cross.

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You know how you build up a picture in your head of something that you’ve heard about, but then when you finally see it, it’s nothing like what you expected?

I was thumbing through photographer Ken Duncan’s pictorial book “Where Jesus Walked” and I came across a recent photo of the Via Dolorosa – The Way of Sorrow.

It’s the road that Jesus walked along from His prison to His crucifixion, bloodied and beaten, dragging His cross. I don’t know why but I expected it to be quite a wide road. It’s not. It’s rather narrow.

And along the way these days, there’s a shop with a red and white Coca Cola sign. That I didn’t expect! But hey, I’m sure back when He walked that road for that last time, there were traders in their storefronts going about their business, stopping to see the spectacle passing by.

Matthew 27:28-31 They took off Jesus’ clothes and put a red robe on him. Then they made a crown from thorny branches and put it on his head, and they put a stick in his right hand. Then they bowed before him, making fun of him. They said, “We salute you, king of the Jews!” They spit on him. Then they took his stick and kept hitting him on the head with it. After they finished making fun of him, the soldiers took off the robe and put his own clothes on him again. Then they led him away to be killed on a cross.

The Via Dolorosa: The road that Jesus walked for you and me: Suffering so we could be set free. And if we want to follow Him, it’s the very same path that we have to take. Narrow and painful … the road to the cross.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Jerry Olivier

Very encouraging

elvira nettles

Good morning , Thank you so much for this awesome reminder that God sent his only son to die for us that we may have life my abundantly and Big brother Jesus i will never forget how you set me free . In the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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