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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

To Whom Can You Compare Him?

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Isaiah 46:5,6 “Can you compare me to anyone? No one is equal to me. You cannot understand everything about me. There is nothing like me. Some people are rich with gold and silver. Gold falls from their purses, and they weigh their silver on scales. They pay an artist to make a false god from wood. Then they bow down and worship that false god.”

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So it’s Sunday, for some the end of one week, for others the beginning of the next. Whatever camp you’re in, let’s do Sunday together on a high note. Let’s glory in the wonder that is God.

Today’s meant to be a day of rest. Yes, to relax doing the things you enjoy, but more so to set our minds on the God who loves us beyond anything that words can say; to lift our eyes to gaze upon heavenly things.

Because for most of our week, we’re head down, dealing with all the stuff – the good, the bad and the ugly – that we have to deal with in life. And so our present reality tends to cloud our view of God – who He is, what He’s capable of. It’s time to lift our gaze to look upon God Himself. It’s time to be still and know that He is God.

Isaiah 46:5,6 “Can you compare me to anyone? No one is equal to me. You cannot understand everything about me. There is nothing like me. Some people are rich with gold and silver. Gold falls from their purses, and they weigh their silver on scales. They pay an artist to make a false god from wood. Then they bow down and worship that false god.”

Nothing on this earth – be it silver or gold or any other idol that we fashion for ourselves in this success-driven, materialistic world – can ever … ever, compare to the many-splendoured love of God of whom the prophets wrote and the psalmists sang. Nothing.

Can you compare Him to anyone? No one is His equal. There is none like Him!

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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