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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

What’s Your Retirement Plan?

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2 Corinthians 8:9 You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. You know that he gave up his heavenly riches for you. He gave up everything so that you could be richly blessed.

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So, just quietly … let me ask you, what do you have planned for the rest of your life? Most of us don’t really know how long we have left on this earth. So what do you want to do, to achieve? How do you want to live out your final years, days?

They’re interesting questions, aren’t they? For the most part, people end up planning a retirement, hopefully stashing away enough to be comfortable. Of course, that’s not an option for everyone. Others worry about being destitute, hoping to rely on their family for support.

But the desire for security is pretty much a universal one. And in many cultures, my own included, that morphs very quickly and very easily into a desire to be comfortable, which of course means a desire to be rich.

One of the things you notice about many a retiree is that their world has become very narrow. I hadn’t noticed that until a financial planner with many older clients pointed it out to me. But there’s a lot of truth in that observation, and it’s not pretty.

Can that really be what God has planned for the rest of your days? Or is there perhaps an alternative?

2 Corinthians 8:9 You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. You know that he gave up his heavenly riches for you. He gave up everything so that you could be richly blessed.

Jesus turns our tendency towards selfish comfort and security completely on its head.

He gave up everything so that we could be richly blessed.

And again, by observation, I can tell you that those older folk who continue to live with the aim of serving others, blessing others, sacrificing for others, tend to lead a much richer life than those who focus on themselves.

So let me ask you again … what do you have planned for the rest of your life?

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

Also available to listen on:


Michael Adams

As my life clock Wind down I just hope that in my life that I made a difference of insuring that the world was better off than I was born into. It’s nice to be able to leave this world and know that the world you leave behind is a world that your Children and your children children can be proud of as my parents did for me and their parents did for them.

Henry Davies

Thanks ! Thanks ! Thanks !
I pray that that God’s Will Be Done !!
Help Us God to go out into the world 🌎 and tell the youth of today of the greatest gift !! Jesus Christ !! Son Of God !!
How can they believe if they are not told This Great Truth !!
Make it the desire of our hearts to tell others of this Jesus !! for the rest of our days left on this earth 🌍.
Amen 🙏.

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