... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Are You Asleep at the Wheel? (Pt 2)

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One of the really uncomfortable things that Jesus talked about was the fact that here on our journey through this life to eternity a whole bunch of us have this tendency of falling asleep and veering off the road.  You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that that’s going to be disastrous.  Join Berni Dymet as He brings us God’s challenge and encouragement to wake up and stay alert.  

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Have I Lost my First Love?

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In any relationship – it’s easy to start all lovey-dovey and then as time goes on and responsibilities cut in and things wear thin – well, you know … you wake up one day and wonder – what …

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Episode 2. Have I Been Led Astray?

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With all the information and ideas that get thrown at us these days, we have to filter it.  Question is – what filter do we apply?  For most of us, the filter goes something like this – …

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Episode 3. Have I Done Wrong in the Sight of God?

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It’s the little foxes that spoil the vine.  The little things that we allow to creep into our lives that rob us of the fruit in our relationship with Jesus.  Little things don’t stay little for …

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Episode 4. Have I Endured Patiently?

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Life’s good, isn’t it?  At least – that’s what the advertising industry tries to tell us life should be like.  But it isn’t always like that.  And there’s a quality in people that’s …

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Episode 5. Has My Heart Grown Lukewarm?

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Have you ever had a lukewarm cup of tea of coffee?  Disgusting, isn’t it?  Hot’s great.  Cold’s OK.  But lukewarm – you want to spit it out.  So – when our love for God, when our faith …

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