... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks


Christianityworks is a non-denominational ministry with a passion for sharing the Good News of Jesus through the media around the globe. 

Each week millions of people hear the Good News of Jesus through the life-relevant Bible teaching programs that we provide free of charge to hundreds of radio and television stations around the globe.

And that’s something that we can only do with the support of friends like you.

That is why your support is so vital.

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Reach & Impact

Christianityworks’ radio and television programs are broadcast in 160 countries around the world through the support of friends like you. Not to mention the …

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Changed Lives

We receive so many letters, emails and phone calls telling us what an impact God is having through the ministry of Christianityworks in transforming people’s lives.

Here are just a very small number typical of what national leaders, radio + television stations, and listeners around the world are constantly telling us – that Gospel being proclaimed through Christianityworks is being used by God to transform countless lives.

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Together We're Declaring God's Glory Amongst the Nations

God is doing amazing things through Christianityworks. Opening so many doors; reaching millions of people each week … and all with a small team of committed workers. How is that possible?

Well, quite simply, God is moving powerfully through the prayers of friends and supporters just like you. Without any doubt, the countless changed lives through the ministry of Christianityworks begin, with your prayer!

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Becoming a Partner

Dear Friend,

someone once asked me – why do you share the need for support? Wouldn’t God just always provide?

That’s a very good question. Since the very first “fundraiser” in the Bible in Exodus 25:1-8, God has chosen to …

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Leaving a Living Gift in Your Will

Coming to the end of our lives here on this earth is something that we tend not to think too much about. And yet, we all need to plan how our assets will be distributed when our time finally comes.

And by planning ahead, you can have an eternal impact on so many lives, by remembering Christianityworks with a living gift in your will.

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Becoming a Volunteer

The ministry of Christianityworks reaches far and wide. And whilst we have a small paid staff, we rely on many faithful volunteers, without whom we quite simply wouldn’t be able to do what we do.

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