... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: My Redeemer Lives (2)

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Most of the time, when it comes to this whole Easter thing, the bit we remember most is the bit where Jesus died on the Cross, to pay for our sin. And that’s certainly a powerful thing. But let’s not forget that Jesus was also raised from the dead. Your Redeemer lives. And when it comes to living the new life that God has in store for you, that’s just as important. Your Redeemer lives! 

Join Berni Dymet this week as he opens God’s Word and unpacks the old, old Easter story – from A Different Perspective! 

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. A Righteous Man Destroyed

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With Easter done and dusted for another year, it’s kind of easy to forget about the Cross, Christ’s suffering, the resurrection and the empty tomb … and just get on with life. What do all those …

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Episode 2. The Devil’s Trickery

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There are two equal and opposite mistakes that we can make when we’re suffering. We can over–spiritualise our situation, or under–spiritualise it. Mostly, it’s the latter. Mostly, we just …

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Episode 3. With Friends Like That …

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It seems that when you’re down, some people, instead of encouraging you, want to kick you. Have you ever been disappointed by your friends? You know, you think to yourself, “With friends like …

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Episode 4. Dark Nights of the Soul

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Some years ago, I was interviewing a man about some difficult times that he had been through in his life, and he spoke of many “dark nights of the soul”.  Hmm what a powerful phrase. Dark nights …

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Episode 5. Death and Resurrection

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When the whole world seems to be arraigned against you, when the people who should be your friends are criticising you, then God seems to have deserted you, right in that place, it’s time to take a …

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