... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Rekindling the Flame (Pt 2)

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God has placed a special gift or ability inside each one of us. The sad thing is that it’s so easy for the day to day grind to bury that gift – and the dreams we may have had for using it – so deep, that we’ve forgotten it’s even there. But God … God wants us to rekindle that gift. And so that’s exactly what we’re going to be doing in this series. Rekindling the flame in our hearts to be who God made us to be … to do what God made us to do. 

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Rediscovering the Gift

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Each one of us has something that we’re good at; something we enjoy doing; some God–given gift or ability that we just excel at. But all too often, it’s been buried under years of neglect. And …

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Episode 2. In the Face of Opposition

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We each have a God–given gift or ability – something that we’re able to do better than just about anybody else that we know. But it’s a funny thing – when we run into opposition and trials …

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Episode 3. The Foundation of God’s Word

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You know what I’ve noticed? It’s awfully easy to lose our way in life. We each have this God–given gift or ability and we head off into life with our dream for using it. And then the cares of …

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Episode 4. Keep Shining

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For anyone who believes in this Jesus, one of the things that God wants us to do is to keep on shining His light into this world. Sometimes we look at our circumstances – the conditions around us …

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Episode 5. God’s People

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No man is an island … actually, it’s true of women too. But sometimes, it seems like the rest of the world is pretty much ready to desert us. And when we feel all alone, we wonder if we still …

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