... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Walking in the Spirit (Pt 1)

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Many people have heard the term “walking in the Spirit”.  That would be awesome, wouldn’t it?  I mean it sounds great.  But exactly what does it mean to “walk in Spirit”?  I mean, how does it actually happen in our lives? Those are questions that many a Christ–follower has. Somehow, we can come to the realisation that in the day to day reality of our lives, rather than walking in the Spirit, we seem perhaps to have walked away from the Spirit.  In this series, Berni again goes to God’s Word – to show us not only that God means for each one of us to walk in the Spirit, but to uncover exactly how … right in the middle of the lives we each lead.  

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Deciding What’s Important

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So many people wish that they could say they’re living their lives by walking in the Spirit.  But that’s not really how their life works at all.  In fact God often seems a million miles away.  …

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Episode 2. The Light Along the Path

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Sometimes the road that we call “life” can be difficult – rocky, steep, narrow … uncertain.  What we really need is someone to shine a lamp down at our feet so that we can see where to take …

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Episode 3. Desiring God’s Ways

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Funny thing with God.  On the one hand, we want Him to help us through the difficult patches.  But on the other, when things are going well, so often we want to go it alone.  And then we wonder …

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Episode 4. Refiner’s Fire

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One of the things that we’re promised about Jesus is that when we let Him into our lives – He’ll sort the good from the bad – the wheat from the chaff in each one of us – and then burn the …

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Episode 5. Drenched in the Spirit

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One of the things God talks about in His Word is baptising us with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Wow – hasn’t that caused some controversies across the church?  But let’s forget the …

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