And Jesus said to them ‘Follow me and I will make you fishers of men’. And immediately the left their nets and followed him. (Mark 1:17)
Who is Jesus?
So … who is this Jesus character? Was He real, or is He a fable? Did He actually walk the dusty roads of Israel in the 1st century, or is He something those Christians just made up? That’s something that each of us has to decide for ourselves. But there’s one thing for certain …
Why Jesus Came for You
WHY DID JESUS COME TO THIS EARTH? What was the point of that whole Bethlehem, starry night, baby in a manger thing? People talk about “Jesus” – but what was He about? Bottom line – Why did He come for me? Why did He come for you?
Is Today the Day?
There has never been a better day than today … in fact, there has never been a better time than right now … to give your life to Jesus. To accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.
Because one day your time on this earth will be over. One day, it will simply be too late.