... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

A Quick Update from Rwanda


Since arriving in Rwanda on Saturday evening, Christianityworks Board Member Stephen Marshall and CEO Berni Dymet have had a blessed, busy and fruitful time.

Arrival and Amazing Welcome

It began by being welcomed at Kigali airport by Bishop Jean Sibomana, the head of the Rwanda Pentecostal Churches, a movement of almost 2 million members, in a country of 14 million. Bishop Jean waited for over an hour at the airport to welcome them to Rwanda and drive them to their hotel.

Berni commented:

Perhaps we comfortable and casual westerners (me included) have a lot to learn about honour and humility from Rwandan culture. This simple act has left an indelible mark on me. Isn’t it always the simple acts of kindness, performed quietly, away from the glare of the spotlight, that have the greatest impacts in our lives?



Church Ministry – Salvations

On Sunday, Stephen and Berni ministered at a local church in Kigali.

Here Stephen is praying for some new believers who gave their lives to Christ after the message that Berni preached. To God be all the glory!





Media Training Workshop for Radio Stations

On Monday, the two day Christianityworks media training workshop began. The key speakers were African Director of Christianityworks Joseph Kebbie, another man who is a longtime African Christian radio “legend” (but whose name we cannot publish for security reasons) and Berni Dymet.

The training was attended by around 60 leaders of Christian radio stations and media outlets from across Africa, including: Benin, Burundi, DR Congo,Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

African “Radio Legend” who assisted in training + Berni Dymet


Interview on Rwandan State Television about the Christianityworks Media Training Workshop



The many representatives of African Media Outlets that attended.



A video interview with African Director of Christianityworks, Joseph Kebbie, about the impact of the training.
(low res due to internet limitations)


Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support – which is making the Christianityworks training in Rwanda possible. Your support has helped equip, encourage and empower these Christian media organisations to reach the unreached right across Africa, with the Good News of Jesus.

You are such a mighty blessing!!


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