Die Godsdiens wat die Vinnigste Groei
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Jesaja 14:13,14 Jy het mos vir jouself gesê: 'Ek sal na die hemel toe opklim en my troon bo God se sterre neersit. Ek sal regeer op die godeberg ver in die noorde. Ek sal opklim tot in die hoogste hemele. Soos die Allerhoogste sal ek word.’(NLV)
It’s been said that the world’s fastest growing religion is … wait for it … self-worship. I don’t have any empirical data to back that up, but just look around. I don’t think it’s at all far off the mark.
You may or may not be into social media, but what it provides is multiple platforms for self-publishing and self-promotion. That’s certainly true of Instagram and Tik-Tok for the younger generation and Facebook for us more, shall we say, chronologically endowed folk.
“Selfies” abound. People are constantly showing us just a fine sliver of their lives – the best of the best, if you will. If you compared your life to all the “good stuff” that all your “friends” post about themselves, you’d have to come to the conclusion that your life is an absolute disaster.
In truth though, it’s an unfair comparison between reality and fantasy. All that is to say that self-worship is indeed the trend du jure. But there’s nothing new in that.
Isaiah 14:13,14 You always told yourself, “I will go to the skies above. I will put my throne above God’s stars. I will sit on Zaphon, the holy mountain where the gods meet. I will go up to the altar above the tops of the clouds. I will be like God Most High.”
That was written around 750BC about a king. It’s also generally accepted as the narrative of Satan’s fall from heaven. In both cases, their sin is the desire to elevate themselves to God’s level. In other words, to displace God, to push Him off His throne.
Isn’t that the very definition of self-worship? And when you look at it like that, it’s absolutely crazy. Don’t get sucked into self-worship.
Dit is God se Woord. Vars … vir jou … vandag.