... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

A Different Perspective

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Matthew 4:18-20 As Jesus was walking by Lake Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (called Peter) and Simon’s brother Andrew. These brothers were fishermen, and they were fishing in the lake with a net. Jesus said to them, “Come, follow me, and I will make you a different kind of fishermen. You will bring in people, not fish.” Simon and Andrew immediately left their nets and followed him.

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I have absolutely no idea where you’re at when it comes to faith in God. None whatsoever. And yet there’s something I have on my heart for you today that, no matter where you’re at, is the single, most important thing that I could possibly share with you.

It’s a funny thing, but we can look at something that, deep down, we know is good and yet, from a distance, can seem scary.

Take change for instance. Change inevitably has a scary dimension to it. What if it doesn’t work? What if I fail? What if things get worse rather than better? We all go through that in life; that sense of anticipation on the one hand and apprehension on the other.

And you know, it’s easy to look at Jesus from a distance and on the one hand believe that He’s good, but … what if? What if He makes me do something that I don’t want to do? What if I throw my heart and soul into following Him and it turns out not to be what it’s cracked up to be?

You hear Him whisper – “I love you”. You feel that yearning, that tug in your heart to follow Him. Maybe today’s the day for you to take that step. Maybe today’s the day to answer that call. Maybe today’s the day to look at Him from a different perspective.

Matthew 4:18-20
As Jesus was walking by Lake Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (called Peter) and Simon’s brother Andrew. These brothers were fishermen, and they were fishing in the lake with a net. Jesus said to them, “Come, follow me, and I will make you a different kind of fishermen. You will bring in people, not fish.” Simon and Andrew immediately left their nets and followed him.

Jesus. Do you hear His call on your life today? Follow Him.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Judy Rusgnach

Hi Berni
I have been in relationship with Christ Jesus for 20 years now. I am a member of a church, taught Catechetics for over 10 years however after my husband died, I was challenged by a question by Brother Yun in his book “Living Water”
After reading about his torture and persecution, he asked a question as to whether I could say Yes to the same. Could I step into the unknown; Be willing to go anywhere; Trust God completely even if it meant adversity, torture or death: Was I willing to give up my life as he willingly gave up his.
I was very confronted by this and all the questions you have raised in your devotion are questions I have asked myself.
I did not wish to answer “No” to God but found I was not strong enough to say “Yes” either. I offer him my life one day at a time for him to work through me as he wills.
After my husband died, I had to re skill and go back to work to support my 2 sons and now do Community Support Work in Age and Disability. Even though I am doing service for others and hope God is using my actions for his purposes in some way, I am still reminded through the Spirit that I am not directly being the disciple he has asked me to be by bringing people to Christ so he can save Souls, so that is why I try and donate to organisations which are doing that work. I am looking into training in Pastoral leadership to support my current work but that is another part of my ongoing journey.

Gail Mazur POWELL

For 67 years I was a non-practicing Jew. I made excuses for not joining a Temple. I was also in a shaky relationship with my only child. One day my child invited me to her church service and I fell in love with Jesus. Since that time I never miss hearing God’s word. Also I was diagnosed with Leukaemia. For the last 4 years my doctor has not found a trace of the cancer cells and my immune system is rebuilding itself. Through prayer and my faith in God I have found peace, joy and our Heavenly Father’s love and blessings.


It really is instantaneous when God’s voice, we recognise through all the chaos and confusion in our minds.
The tears from our eyes from the heavy burdens that we are carrying and all the unresolved trauma, that to other people, it never happened, but to the one who experienced it , and knows it happened and was reality .
It’s just so hard to try live a life get on with life when something so major has deeply infected and affected us entirely .’
Carrying the burden of another person’s guilt is very, very heavy.
From down lower within our hearts, a clear very clear voice we can hear whisper and we know instantly that it is God.
Sometimes our Spiritual pathway to Jesus has many, many paths that are not the right path but of love none the less for example .
Spiritual people of whom are trusting in the giftedness of being a psychic or a clairvoyant or even to be able to hear spirit speak to them ( clairaudience).
I must not judge.
I must not judge.
However for some people when sensing and hearing Gods voice , Gods presence and being so instantly calmed feeling loved cared for and heard .
Going deeper and earnestly seeking God’s love and being led to church helps us to clarify things and to learn Gods word and asking people whom have been serving God for many years about angel oracle cards.
Is not understood or really able to be discussed because now after studying God’s word , those pathways are not of God Himself but serving another god and those spiritual ways are of Satan.
The word love is practiced but it’s not true love because true love is Jesus and true love is a verb a doing word it’s action and Jesus demonstrates His love for everybody and for God His Holy Father whom is in heaven and he healed the sick and he loved, that’s all Jesus did.’
Anyway getting back to the discussing of angel oracle cards with a church elder.’
They might recommend reading ‘our daily bread’ if you’ve been reliant on reading angel oracle cards each day for divine guidance .
What a clever servant of God to recommend that booklet .
So church educated us on Spirituality and sometimes we choose to leave the pathway of psychic and clairvoyance and clairaudience and we put those angel oracle cards into the garbage bin and we put our trust in God’s word and it’s just like those fishermen that instantly follow Jesus when He requests them to follow him.
Our lives are also like the paralysed man in Mark 11.
After this man was lowered down through a a hole that 4 men dug out to lower the paralysed man through to be healed by Jesus, because the crowd was too thick .
Seeing their FAITH, Jesus healed the man and in Mark chapter 4, verse 12 the man jumped up, grabbed his mat and walked through the stunned onlookers.
With faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move a mountain and we can also choose to live a life trusting in Jesus and no longer paralysed by FEAR and jump up and grab our lives and walk with Jesus.
Praise Jesus our LORD and saviour and of whom becomes our salvation.
Thank you Berni Dymet and Christianity Works for FRESH every morning which is also another version of our daily bread.
I love you Jesus.

Amen .

Tobvesu Gumunyu

With God all things are possible to those who believe. I believe God is taking me to a place He long prepared for me. I love His word.

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