Black is Still Black
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Isaiah 5:20,21,24 Look at those people! They say good is bad and bad is good. They think light is dark and dark is light. They think sour is sweet and sweet is sour. They think they are so smart. They think they are very intelligent. So bad things will happen to them. Their descendants will be destroyed completely, just as fire burns straw and leaves. Their descendants will be like plants with rotten roots, whose flowers have all blown away like dust in the wind. Those people refused to obey the teachings of the LORD All-Mighty. They hated the message from the Holy One of Israel.
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Download audio fileAs we look back on the events of history, we tend to judge the things that happened back in the days of old through what we know today. But it turns out, that there’s a big danger in doing that.
So, what’s the danger? It’s that we look down our noses at the mistakes people made in the past – the slavery, the racism, the sexism, the brutality, the wars … all that bad stuff, and think to ourselves … How could they have been so stupid? How could they have made those mistakes? Just as well we’ve grown up. Just as well society has advanced and matured and become smarter than back there in the olden days.
Yeah. The danger is imagining that we’re so much smarter today than they were back then … without realising that we’re hurtling head on into disasters of our own making. It’s time for a reality check. It’s time to see our behaviour, our “smart ideas”, the “advancements” in our day and age through God’s eyes. Are you ready?
Isaiah 5:20,21,24 Look at those people! They say good is bad and bad is good. They think light is dark and dark is light. They think sour is sweet and sweet is sour. They think they are so smart. They think they are very intelligent. So bad things will happen to them. Their descendants will be destroyed completely, just as fire burns straw and leaves. Their descendants will be like plants with rotten roots, whose flowers have all blown away like dust in the wind. Those people refused to obey the teachings of the LORD All-Mighty. They hated the message from the Holy One of Israel.
Make no mistake. Black is still black.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.