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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Don’t Just Sit There

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Psalm 113:7,8 He lifts the poor out of the dirt and rescues beggars from the garbage dump. He puts them in important positions, giving them a place among the leaders of his people.

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I don’t know if you’ve ever been so hungry that you’re starving, but it can’t be a very pleasant feeling; especially when you know that help isn’t on its way; especially when you see your children suffering. Nope. That must be a terrible thing. Terrible.

Every other night, it seems on the evening news that they flash images of poor people on the screen – a disaster here, a war there, and children dying over in that country.

The truth is that every day around 25,000 people die in poverty from hunger. In just the few minutes we’ll spend together today, just over sixty people will die from malnutrition.

And you know the real problem? We look at that and think , “Well, that’s so huge that I can’t possibly make a difference. If God is God, then He’s the only one big enough to handle this – nothing I can do. Sponsor a child, maybe? What difference is that going to make?”

And so we do … nothing.

What does God think about all that? What does He feel when He looks at the poor and the needy and the starving?

Psalm 113:7,8 He lifts the poor out of the dirt and rescues beggars from the garbage dump. He puts them in important positions, giving them a place among the leaders of his people.

As we read something like that, surely we have to ask ourselves, “How can I just sit here? How can I do … nothing?”

Right throughout the Bible, God’s Word, the one thing you can’t miss about Him is His incredible heart for the poor, the downtrodden, the marginalised, the suffering, the dying.

And as you read the Bible, the other thing you can’t miss is that He’s calling us, you and me, to join hands with Him to do something about this!

How can we just sit here?

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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