Everything or Nothing
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1 Timothy 6:18,19 Tell those who are rich to do good—to be rich in good works. And tell them they should be happy to give and ready to share. By doing this, they will be saving up a treasure for themselves. And that treasure will be a strong foundation on which their future life will be built. They will be able to have the life that is true life.
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Download audio fileQuestion: what are the things in your life that make you happy? The things that make your heart sing and your spirit soar? What are the things that you value most in your life?
Over the years there have been some incredible advances in technology.
Back when I was doing my first IT degree in the late 1970’s, we used paper tape and punch cards on this massive computer that took up a whole room. Today I have a smartphone in my hand that has two billion times the storage capacity of that computer back in the day.
In the early 2000’s I was having dinner with a tech guru in the US and I remember him saying, “You know, pretty soon we’ll be able to store everything on nothing”. Well, I think we’re pretty much there.
But with all those advances in technology, are we any happier? Are our lives any the richer? Do those things make our hearts sing and our spirits soar?
It seems to me that if we spend life chasing those things, it’s like spending everything on nothing. Deep inside, when all is said and done, we want life. Real life. A future. A hope. An eternity.
1 Timothy 6:18,19 Tell those who are rich to do good—to be rich in good works. And tell them they should be happy to give and ready to share. By doing this, they will be saving up a treasure for themselves. And that treasure will be a strong foundation on which their future life will be built. They will be able to have the life that is true life.
You can have everything that this world has to offer, and yet have nothing. Or you can hang onto what you have loosely, share it, and have real life.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.