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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Jesus Does Things Differently

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Mark 7:32-36 While he was there, some people brought a man to him who was deaf and could not talk clearly. The people begged Jesus to put his hand on the man to heal him. Jesus led the man away from the people to be alone with him. He put his fingers in the man’s ears. Then he spat on a finger and put it on the man’s tongue. Jesus looked up to the sky and with a loud sigh he said, “Ephphatha!” (This means “Open!”) As soon as Jesus did this, the man was able to hear. He was able to use his tongue, and he began to speak clearly. Jesus told the people not to tell anyone about this.

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Let’s face it, we like people to be conventional, predictable. None of us likes it when people behave erratically and take us by surprise. And yet, the more you learn about Jesus, the more you discover that He is indeed one of those people.

So, imagine that you’re the Son of God with the ability to heal anyone of any disease. And because of that, you’re having problems with the religious leaders of your day. A deaf man comes to you to get healed. What do you do? Do you do it in secret, or out where everyone else can see?

I know if I had critics on the one hand and that sort of power on the other, I’d make darned sure that they knew exactly what I’d done. But not Jesus …

Mark 7:32-36 While he was there, some people brought a man to him who was deaf and could not talk clearly. The people begged Jesus to put his hand on the man to heal him. Jesus led the man away from the people to be alone with him. He put his fingers in the man’s ears. Then he spat on a finger and put it on the man’s tongue. Jesus looked up to the sky and with a loud sigh he said, “Ephphatha!” (This means “Open!”) As soon as Jesus did this, the man was able to hear. He was able to use his tongue, and he began to speak clearly. Jesus told the people not to tell anyone about this.

We expect God to be conventional, predictable. But so often He’s quite the opposite. In any case, who are we to say, “God works this way or that”? Who are we to put limits on or set boundaries around this God who created the universe.

Listen, God does things His way. That’s it.

And that’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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