Learning Respect
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Psalm 19:9-11 Learning respect for the LORD is good. It will last forever. The LORD’s judgments are right. They are completely fair. His teachings are worth more than pure gold. They are sweeter than the best honey dripping from the honeycomb. His teachings warn his servants, and good things come to those who obey them.
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Download audio fileYesterday, we read about having a teachable heart; about the powerfully positive impact on our lives of letting God’s Word correct and instruct us. But let’s be honest here … some days we still struggle.
You have to ask yourself, why do we struggle? Come on … God’s wisdom is pure and perfect. We know that through all the ups and downs of life when we live out His love and His wisdom – not only does it serve us incredibly well, but it leads to a life lived for the glory of God. All good stuff. So why do we struggle?
Because there’s something about handing over control – about yielding what we consider to be our inalienable right to choose to another – even if that Other happens to be God. So, what’s the answer? How do we stop struggling with God? How do we lay hold of the incredible benefits of a life lived God’s way without constantly looking back and wishing we could do it our way?
Psalm 19:9-11 Learning respect for the LORD is good. It will last forever. The LORD’s judgments are right. They are completely fair. His teachings are worth more than pure gold. They are sweeter than the best honey dripping from the honeycomb. His teachings warn his servants, and good things come to those who obey them.
How? By learning to respect God. Think of the people who you respect in your life. Yielding to their wisdom, most times, isn’t all that difficult. Why? Because you respect them. You trust them. You know, based on experience, that their way will probably turn out to be the right way.
Respect God. Good things come to those who obey Him.
That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.