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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

No Illusion

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Acts 2:38 Peter said to them, “Change your hearts and lives and be baptised, each one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ. Then God will forgive your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

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So let me ask you; what’s this whole Jesus thing all about? Is it real or is it an illusion? Are those who put their trust in Jesus on solid ground, or are they chasing after something that doesn’t exist?

I love watching illusionists – people call them magicians, but really they’re just tricking our eyes and our brains with what they allow us see, as against what they keep hidden.

A client of mine, back in my IT days, was a close-up illusionist. He had a small finger guillotine – you stuck your finger through a hole and there were two little holes for toothpicks, top and bottom. The thing was solid wood with a metal blade. And on the count of three, he’d hammer the guillotine down – the two toothpicks above and below your finger would snap but your finger in the hole was still in one piece. I never could figure out how the thing worked. It drove me crazy!

David Copperfield, over many years now, has been one of the greatest illusionists going round. I’ve been to one of his shows and I’ve watched him literally fly inside a great big sealed perspex box. He’s absolutely brilliant. But he also said this:

God’s miracles recorded in the Bible are beyond anything an illusionist can ever perform. But greater than any physical miracle is the ability of this man Jesus to bring purpose and meaning to life for countless millions of people down through the centuries.

That’s no illusion. In fact, it’s absolutely true. So allow me if you will, to leave you with this thought:

Acts 2:38 Peter said to them, “Change your hearts and lives and be baptised, each one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ. Then God will forgive your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Berni Dymet

Mark, it’s hard isn’t it, to understand why God allows His people to suffer. And yet, suffering is a direct consequence of humanity’s sinful rebellion against God. You are quite right – followers and believers get the same problems. In fact, those who believe in Jesus sometimes suffer more. What is the point in believing the Bible? Because God loved us so much that He sent Jesus, His Son, to suffer on your behalf and mine so that whoever puts their faith in Him, would not perish but have the gift of eternal life. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.” That’s the point. And note please that in a sinful world, the only way to set things right for you and me, was for God to suffer. No, Christians aren’t immune from suffering. But in the midst of that suffering, God gives us His joy and His peace. The Lord Bless You. Berni@CW

Henry Davies

Dear Berni,
Faith ! do we still possess it ? Has it diminished over these near on 2000 years since these miracles happen. I just pray that God would guide us to parts of his word where we can get our reassurance , that it is true . Amen.
Thanks Henry


I thank you for all the mentoring of the words of God. It has helped me in so many ways of my life. Thanks and more grease to your elbow.


I know about the sins etc… but how can god look at his followers and allow bad things happen to them also, all they did is love and commandments and still they get punished the same , so i ask what is the purpose of following the bible and yet theres so many different religions out there noone has proof of the real bible left behind , we have a book that people may believe in something, but i tell u this my friend i have seen followers and non believers they all get the same problems in life not one less than the other , so think about it where is he and wheres the real book all completed not words added in there and which one is real .thank you for your time

Adrian macatangay anore

Lord thanks for your unconditional love…tell me what my porpouse.

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