“Opinion” versus “Truth”
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2 Timothy 1:13,14 What you heard me teach is an example of what you should teach. Follow that model of right teaching with the faith and love we have in Christ Jesus. This teaching is a treasure that you have been trusted with. Protect it with the help of the Holy Spirit, who lives inside us.
Listen to the radio broadcast of “Opinion” versus “Truth”
Download audio fileOne of the things I’ve noticed – and perhaps you have too – is that it’s very easy in this day and age, given the constant barrage of media messages, for us to drift away from the truth.
People seem to be so strident in expressing their opinions, whether in traditional media, or amidst the murky swill of social media. But no matter how loud those voices may be, opinion is not always truth.
Just think of the media you consume, and the people you listen to. How much have they influenced how you think and what you believe? And the more of that we consume, the more it drags us away from God’s truth.
This isn’t a problem unique to our 21st century media-driven context. Here’s how the Apostle Paul put it, writing to his young ministry protégé, Timothy, back in the 1st Century:
2 Timothy 1:13,14 What you heard me teach is an example of what you should teach. Follow that model of right teaching with the faith and love we have in Christ Jesus. This teaching is a treasure that you have been trusted with. Protect it with the help of the Holy Spirit, who lives inside us.
In other words, get back into God’s Word. Know His truth, believe His truth, live His truth, no matter how loudly the world screams its opinions at you. Because as you draw ever closer to Jesus, His wisdom, His humility, His love, His grace – all of which fly in the face of the cacophony of worldly opinions that would drown Him out – become like treasure for your soul.
The world’s opinions, no matter how loud they may be, are no substitute for God’s truth. Protect that with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives inside you.
That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Thank you. I needed that today. I often don’t know what to believe, as I can be easily swayed by opinion and hearsay.
A timely reminder to immerse myself with scripture and to refocus on Jesus.