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Responding to the Rise of Evil

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Isaiah 1:16,17 Wash yourselves and make yourselves clean. Stop doing the evil things I see you do. Stop doing wrong. Learn to do good. Treat people fairly. Punish those who hurt others. Speak up for the widows and orphans. Argue their cases for them in court.

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Evil’s running rampant in the world. In one sense, that’s nothing new. It’s always been the case. But in another, have you noticed how the dial’s been turned up lately? Evil’s not only being promoted but applauded.

It’s hard to miss, isn’t it? The temperature’s rising. It’s as though the flames of hell are licking at our feet. Rampant evil isn’t just the norm – it’s becoming institutionalised. It’s taking over … or so it seems.

So what are we Christ-followers to do? I’ll tell you what I see a lot of them (us?) doing. Fighting back. Yelling and screaming, I’m entitled to my views. I’m entitled to freedom of religion. I’m entitled …

The problem though is that the Bible is virtually silent on what you or I are entitled to in this world. If the truth be known, as I read it – both Old Testament and New – the only thing I seem to be entitled to is to suffer for the name of my Lord Jesus Christ.

So, how? How should you and I respond to the rise of evil?

Isaiah 1:16,17 Wash yourselves and make yourselves clean. Stop doing the evil things I see you do. Stop doing wrong. Learn to do good. Treat people fairly. Punish those who hurt others. Speak up for the widows and orphans. Argue their cases for them in court.

God is commanding us not to behave like those evil people out there, but to clean up our own house first. To do good. To treat people fairly. And then to speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves, no matter what it costs us. For the widow, for the orphan … for the unborn child.

That’s exactly what Jesus did, and it cost Him his life.

Stop doing evil, learn to do good.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

Also available to listen on:



There is a fight on the internet over who wrote the following phrase “The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing”. And everyone is missing the point.
It doesn’t matter who wrote the phrase, it matters that it is true. Today more than ever. And, sadly, mainstream Christians are looking the other way when evil is institutionalised and even trying to shut up those brave enough to tell the truth.

Alexander J Irvine

Last night, our Bible study group met via zoom and we began a new topic in 1 Corinthians 8-9, entitled “The rights to relinquish rights”. I shared your devotional with the folk in our Bible study group as it’s very pertinent to what we are beginning to share together in growing in God’s grace.


God has the final say and is the arbitrator regarding all matters.
Be Baptized
Then the promise of the Gospel shall be yours.

Sydney Schubert

Thank you for your word this morning, after I said to my wife earlier this morning, how Sarah Everard in the U.K. was ABDUCTED, RAPED, MURDERED, and BODY BURNED and left in the woods.
The executor of my mother’s, will, himself a solicitor, engaged another company of solicitors, is still trying to STEAL from me ! In order to do so, he resorted to lies and deception, even presenting false and totally untrue sworn affidavit to the Supreme Court of WA., causing him also to present untrue costs for the approval of the Court.


There are times when we need to speak out about our rights. Paul did that in prison. He was a Roman citizen. He could have left peacefully, but he insisted on being escorted out.
Acts 16:37 The Message “But Paul wouldn’t budge. He told the officers, ‘They beat us up in public and threw us in jail, Roman citizens in good standing! And now they want to get us out of the way on the sly without anyone knowing? Nothing doing! If they want us out of here, let them come themselves and lead us out in broad daylight.'”

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