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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Seeing the Whole Picture

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Ecclesiastes 11:5,6 You don’t know where the wind blows. And you don’t know how a baby grows in its mother’s womb. In the same way, you don’t know what God will do—and he makes everything happen. So begin planting early in the morning, and don’t stop working until evening. You don’t know what might make you rich. Maybe everything you do will be successful.

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So, perhaps God’s called you to step out into some good on His behalf – maybe through a financial commitment, or investing time and energy into something or someone. Whatever it is, there’s always a sacrifice.

That’s the thing with following Jesus. It always costs you something to be about His business of His love, His good news, with others. And that’s what makes things so tricky. That’s what gives us pause, what causes us to hesitate, what results in many simply giving up.

That up-front cost … putting your investment at risk so to speak, without the certainty of a commensurate, positive result … does the likelihood of a positive outcome justify the risk? That’s the question. But in point of fact, it’s entirely the wrong question because it fails to take into account God’s Presence and participation in what He’s called you to do.

Ecclesiastes 11:5,6 You don’t know where the wind blows. And you don’t know how a baby grows in its mother’s womb. In the same way, you don’t know what God will do—and he makes everything happen.  So begin planting early in the morning, and don’t stop working until evening. You don’t know what might make you rich. Maybe everything you do will be successful.

I love the bit about getting up early to start planting and not stopping until the evening. In other words … man, stop procrastinating. Throw yourself into whatever God’s called you to with vim and vigour, with enthusiasm and dedication.

Because if He’s called you to do something, then He’s in it with you. And He’s the one who makes everything happen. Stand back. Look at the whole picture – God included. And get on with it!

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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