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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Talk, Talk, Talk

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Deuteronomy 5:27 Moses, you go near and hear everything the Lord our God says. Then tell us everything the Lord tells you. We will listen to you, and we will do everything you say.’

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The easiest thing in the world is to disagree with God, or at least to disagree with what we think He’s saying. People do it all the time … and to their great detriment. How about you? Do you stop to really listen to what God’s saying?

I was in a video conference the other day. I was in one city with one other person, and there were four other people in a different city.

As I watched the people on the screen, it ended up that everyone was talking, but nobody was listening.

The “discussion” became quite heated so I put our speaker on “mute” and said to the guy next to me, “Am I missing something, or are they in violent agreement here?” It turned out that they were all saying basically the same thing, but because no one was listening, they didn’t realise it.

I used to disagree with God, but when I stopped and took the time to listen to Him I discovered that not only was He saying the things I needed to hear, but as I thought about them, I realised that He was right. And yet to get to that point, I needed to actually listen to Him.

Back in Old Testament days, the people said to Moses:

Deuteronomy 5:27 Moses, you go near and hear everything the Lord our God says. Then tell us everything the Lord tells you. We will listen to you, and we will do everything you say.’

These days, we have something much better than Moses. We have the Bible, the living Word of God breathed by the Holy Spirit. The question is – will we stop and listen? Or will we just continue along our merry way, arguing with God?

Tell us everything the Lord tells you. We will listen to you, and we will do everything you say.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Alicia Wright

I want to first THANK YOU for allowing FATHER to use and I want to thank for ministering to my spirit!

Godson iheke

I will like to do all that God want me to do. I need the grace of God.


God still speaks to His people in several ways today – through quickening, audible voice, dreams and most importantly through His word but many of us are not just listening. It takes conscious effort to learn to listen to God and until we do, we’ll be having a lot of challenges.


Greetings in the name of Jesus,I thank and praise the Lord for the good works He has set in you to stretch His kingdom,people are being convicted and transformed to His marvelous light.its amazing how God works!as I was praying a few minutes ago God was preparing the same insight in me,trust me I was wrestling with Him as He was edifying me and telling me about things so much He told me that He’s the Potter,I won’t instruct Him how I want Him to do things,I follow His lead!I just had to testify,we serve a living God who knows everything about us!!! we’re His!!Amen!may He empower you the carry on serving Him,you save people from their errors and save their futures 🙌💯 Amen 🙏

merril thompson

thank you, i enjoy these comments, and DO TRY to listen, but i realised today that it also applies to our friends and family as well. we dont always listen to them either. not necessarily to DO what they say, but to understand them and act accordingly.

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