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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Bus Driver

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Luke 5:27 After this he went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up, left everything, and followed him.

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The more technologically sophisticated we become, the more distant people seem to become in our lives. Be they those scanners in the supermarket, or vending machines, or automated teller machines … it seems that people are becoming less and less relevant.

I use public transport a lot. In particular, the bus which stops just at the end of our street, and it’s just a ten-minute ride into the city. These days, with those digital ticket machines, you scan your ticket and wander past the drivers in their blue uniform, basically ignoring them, and sit down.

So the bus driver just becomes that guy in the blue uniform behind the steering wheel. He may as well be a machine the way we treat him.

But the other day, I was driving past the local bus depot and I saw a driver in his blue uniform running towards the depot, obviously late for his shift.

And all of a sudden that bus driver looked like a real live person to me. It’s funny how in this day and age, we ignore and depersonalise people without even thinking about it.

Then it struck me. I’ve read the four historical accounts of Jesus’ life dozens of times – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And you know, Jesus never did that. Not once.

Luke 5:27 After this he went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up, left everything, and followed him.

Levi was a tax collector, despised by the Jews. Others would have passed him by with a sneer, yet Jesus stopped, spoke to him, called him and Levi followed Him.

Who are the people in your life that you tend just to pass by? People are people. 

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Of late I have become lazy, I pray that God gives me energy to wait on him every moment.

Damone Murphy

I think I must do better at this.

Troy Gaudino

The unsung heroes, the despised… Both Need Jesus.

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