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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Deception of Certainty and Safety

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Jeremiah 5:30,31 A terrible and shocking thing has happened in the land of Judah. The prophets tell lies. The priests will not do what they were chosen to do, and my people love it this way! But what will you people do when your punishment comes?

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In this day and age, “biblical truth” is very much out of vogue. The stuff some Christians believe is so out of step with our modern reality that the easiest thing in the world to do is simply to go with the flow.

Our desire for certainty and safety is a very natural one. It stems from that most basic of human instincts – survival. Hey, even a fly has that instinct. But for us human beings, there can be some unexpected consequences.

Mental health expert Mitch Wallis was recently quoted as saying that “the human brain is more interested in what’s certain and safe than it is in what’s true.” That’s why, by and large, we prefer good news over bad. Happy times over sad. Predictable people over unpredictable. You get the picture, right?

So what’s the danger in that? Well, the things that we consider to be certain and safe aren’t always what they seem. The things people tell us, the stuff we like to pull up next to, isn’t always true.

Jeremiah 5:30,31 A terrible and shocking thing has happened in the land of Judah. The prophets tell lies. The priests will not do what they were chosen to do, and my people love it this way! But what will you people do when your punishment comes?

The world calls us to a life that’s so tempting, that purports to be safe and secure. Even parts of the church are no longer willing to help God’s people discern the difference between right and wrong.

But just because someone tells you stuff you like to hear doesn’t make it true. And forsaking the truth ends up having serious consequences.

What will they do when their punishment comes?

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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