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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Demons of Mediocrity

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Daniel 6:4 But when the other supervisors and the satraps heard about this, they were very jealous. They tried to find reasons to accuse Daniel. So they watched what Daniel did as he went about doing the business of the government. But they could not find anything wrong with him, so they could not accuse him of doing anything wrong. Daniel was a man people could trust. He did not cheat the king, and he worked very hard.

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When we operate in a spirit of excellence, the shocking truth is that not everyone is pleased. It seems that our spirit of excellence has a habit of rubbing the demons of mediocrity the wrong way.

For some quirky reason I’ve always enjoyed learning. At school I studied hard – not because I had to, but because I wanted to. So I pretty much ended up at the top of every class I took.

But as a result, the other kids treated me badly. I was that geek who was spurned by the cool kids, if that makes sense. I couldn’t understand it. My mother told me that it was because the others were jealous. Well, that just didn’t make sense back then.

Yesterday we saw how Daniel rose to the top of King Darius’ leadership team, effectively running the whole country … all because of his spirit of excellence.

Daniel 6:4 But when the other supervisors and the satraps heard about this, they were very jealous. They tried to find reasons to accuse Daniel. So they watched what Daniel did as he went about doing the business of the government. But they could not find anything wrong with him, so they could not accuse him of doing anything wrong. Daniel was a man people could trust. He did not cheat the king, and he worked very hard.

Eventually they tricked the king, which landed Daniel in the lion’s den (more on that tomorrow). The point is that when we operate in a spirit of excellence, we are indeed going to agitate the demons of mediocrity living in some of the people around us. Excellence, sadly, brings its critics and makes its enemies. Be excellent, anyway.

Daniel was a man people could trust. He did not cheat the king, and he worked very hard.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Sharon Williams

Awesome ✨

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