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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Goodness of God

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Psalm 146:1,7,8 Praise the Lord! My soul, praise the Lord! … He does what is right for those who have been hurt. He gives food to the hungry. The Lord frees people locked up in prison. The Lord makes the blind see again. The Lord helps those who are in trouble.

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When something bad happens to us, it can have us wondering, “Why did God let that happen to me?” We’ve all wondered that. And yet there’s something special that I believe God wants to speak into our bad times today.

It’s not always that easy – given the things we have going on, given the discouragement that can come our way, given the people who pick on us day after day – to believe in God’s goodness.

After all, look at all the suffering going on in the world today. Look at the things this God, if He really does exist, allows to happen – and not just the out there, but to you in your life.

Let’s just take your last seven days … the things that you’ve had going on – the good, the bad and the ugly. I’m sure that just in that short time there have been some things that have happened to you that could easily have you questioning the goodness of God.

And yet, sometimes when we least expect it, God steps in, in ways that we could scarcely have imagined, to do good, to help us in times of need.

Psalm 146:1,7,8 Praise the Lord! My soul, praise the Lord! … He does what is right for those who have been hurt. He gives food to the hungry. The Lord frees people locked up in prison. The Lord makes the blind see again. The Lord helps those who are in trouble.

That Psalm is all about praising God and thanking Him for His help in times of trouble. We all have our fair share of trouble in this life.

Me? I’ve decided to start praising Him and thanking Him right smack bang I in the middle of those times. And you know something? He’s never failed me yet.

The Lord helps those who are in trouble.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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