The Lord Gives Us Confidence
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2 Thessalonians 3:4 The Lord gives us confidence that you are doing what we told you and that you will continue to do it.
Listen to the radio broadcast of The Lord Gives Us Confidence
Download audio fileIt’s an odd feeling, you know, sitting on this side of the Fresh devotional each day; my side – the side of praying, preparing, writing, recording, shooting a short message from God’s Word for you, day after day.
For you, perhaps you watch Fresh on TV now and then, catch it on the radio or podcast, or it lobs into your preferred digital inbox each morning. But you probably give little thought as to how it arrived there for you – and that, frankly, is how it should be.
Yet from my side of this daily grace transaction, I don’t get to see what God’s doing in your heart, in your life, beyond those people who write or call in to let us know how Fresh impacted their lives. And that, too, is how it should be.
Because any work that God does in a person’s heart is His work, by His Spirit, through His Word. But here’s the thing: what keeps me going is a godly confidence that He is at work in your life and the lives of the many people who receive this devotional. I so relate to the Apostle Paul when he writes to the church in Thessalonica …
2 Thessalonians 3:4 The Lord gives us confidence that you are doing what we told you and that you will continue to do it.
I too have that confidence, because I know that there’s power in God’s Word. So, as you receive His Word into your heart day by day, remember, the whole point is that through it He means to transform your life; to set you free from the burden of sin; to fill you with peace and a joy unspeakable.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Thank you for my daily email, God bless you always Klaus from central Victoria.