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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Road to Innamincka

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Proverbs 19:12 The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.

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I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve had a good plan; a plan to do this, to head in this direction, to take this long road … and then God’s come along and completely disrupted my very good plan. Man, doesn’t that just drive you crazy?

I was looking recently at a beautiful painting of the Australian outback, full of reds and oranges. It was called “The Road to Innamincka.” Now, in case you don’t know where that is, let’s just say that Innamincka is in the middle of nowhere!

Anyhow, right through the centre of the painting was this long, straight road that ran for miles. It’s the road you’d normally take if you were headed for Innamincka.

But as well as the road, there was a creek bed with lots of fresh growth in the middle of this dry, barren land. It just kind of snaked its way across the landscape. And I thought, “Now that’s what they call ‘the scenic route’. Not straight and boring like the road made by human hands.”

Sometimes, we have our lives all planned out in a straight line from A to B. And then as we travel all those miles down the road, it can end up feeling dry and boring – a bit like that road to Innamincka.

But God … well, He has this path for our lives that wasn’t made by human hands. It’s winding with all its twists and turns, unpredictable with surprises around the corner yet clustered with rich, green vegetation.

Proverbs 16:9 The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.

We often have to travel through parched, dry lands in this life. Sure, our plan is the fastest route through.

But don’t be surprised if God takes you the scenic route. It may take a little longer, but there’s water and shade along the way.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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