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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

With a Willing Heart

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Psalm 119:14-16 I enjoy following your rules as much as others enjoy great riches. I will study your instructions. I will give thought to your way of life. I enjoy your laws. I will not forget your word.

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As I look back on the journey that God’s brought me on, I can see the mighty things He’s done in my heart. And yet as I look ahead, I know that He has so much more work to do in me. How about you?

Life’s a journey … and my prayer is that you too, as you look back on the path that God’s brought you on, can see how He’s grown you, refined you, polished you through all of life’s ups and downs. The person you are today should be so much more mature, more humble, more godly than you were, say, five years ago.

And this journey that theologians call “sanctification” (although I prefer to think of it as rehabilitation) is a life-long process. God has so much more work to do in you, as He does in me.

But sometimes that work seems to stall. Sometimes, not only do we feel as though we’re not going forward, but in fact, that we’re slipping backward; that we’re regressing back into our old life of sin.

Why is that? A large part of it, I think, is that we naturally rebel against His discipline. The idea of obedience, after all, has never been a particularly popular one … or has it?

Psalm 119:14-16 I enjoy following your rules as much as others enjoy great riches. I will study your instructions. I will give thought to your way of life. I enjoy your laws. I will not forget your word.

Now, there’s someone who yearns to know God’s will and to obey Him. And it’s that yearning that not only halts a decline, but acts as an afterburner, an accelerant, to our spiritual growth.

Yearn to know God’s will and to obey Him.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Due to heavy rains that flooded our TV studio, there’s no video for today’s Fresh. Enjoy the audio & text and remember, there’s lots more in the Media Lounge. Thank you for your understanding.