... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Do Not Be Afraid

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Fear is a natural, human emotion. In fact, fear can be a healthy thing. It stops us from doing things that could harm us. But sometimes, circumstances overwhelm us – a bit like a tsunami. The circumstances of life can be so much bigger than our ability to deal with them. And then, then fear can become a destructive, cancerous force in our lives.God loves us and He does not mean for us to live our lives afraid. Join Berni as he opens up God’s Word to discover what God really means when He says “Do not be afraid”.

Episode 1. The World's a Scary Place

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The world can be a scary place – so many things that strike fear in our hearts. And yet over and over again, God says “Do Not be Afraid.” What does that mean? How does that work? Why don’t …

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Episode 2. The Battle Belongs to the Lord

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Most times, we end up fighting our own battles. But sometimes, the opposition is just – well, it’s overwhelming. Then what? Well that’s when we can discover that the battle, belongs to the …

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Episode 3. Be Still and Know That I Am God

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Life is full of turmoil and often, often that turmoil breeds fear in our hearts. And instead of stopping, we just kind of – go with the fear. Well it’s time to stop and know that God is God. Why …

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Episode 4. Three Ways to Overcome Fear

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It may come as a surprise, but in this world of stress and anxiety God doesn’t want us to be afraid. But how is that supposed to work? Well, why don’t you join Berni Dymet as he opens God’s …

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