A Confused Cat
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Genesis 1:27 So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Listen to the radio broadcast of A Confused Cat
Download audio fileWe have a cat at home called “Doggie”. I know, it sounds weird, but when we chose her out of the litter, they’d already called her Doggie. The owner said that of all the kittens in the litter, she behaved more like a dog than a cat, so they called her Doggie.
And it turned out to be true. She’s learned to obey commands in a way that generally cats don’t do. She’s an affectionate animal, much more like a dog, than a cat.
But people still find it kind of weird, incongruous if you will, that we have a cat called “Doggie”, so when they raise their eyebrows – I tell them: It’s okay. She has no idea who she really is.
I wonder whether there aren’t a lot of people on this earth who don’t really know their true identity, who they really are. Because we kind of take on the identity the world tells us we should have.
We listen to other people, we compare ourselves to the advertising industry’s glossy images of beauty and success and then, after swallowing those lies hook, line and sinker, without even thinking about it, without even being aware that we’re doing it, we kind of decide that that’s who we must be.
If the perfume ad on TV says that this is what a beautiful woman should look like, then through simple comparison, many women come to the conclusion that they’re not beautiful. If the guys at work are all competing for the next promotion, the next pay rise, and you as a man with a healthy male ego miss out, then you conclude that you simply aren’t successful.
The world over, people are coming to the conclusion that they don’t measure up. That they don’t have any worth. That their lives don’t matter. That their opinion doesn’t count, because it must be stupid.
The tragedy of all that, is that what the world tells us about who we are, falls so far short of the truth. So far short, that to put it bluntly, what most of us believe about ourselves is a lie. And that lie is what’s ruining many a life today.
So just in case you have something of that identity crisis going on in your heart today, I want to share the truth with you. The powerful, God-breathed truth about your identity – who you really are.
So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27)
You are a child of the living God, created in His image. Loved by Him more than any father on this earth has ever loved a child. That’s the truth. That’s who you are.
And that’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.