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A Price to Pay

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2 Timothy 2:19 But God's strong foundation never moves, and these words are written on it: "The Lord knows those who belong to him." Also, these words are written there: "Everyone who says they believe in the Lord must stop doing wrong."

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Most people don’t like change. Even good change can be difficult. And yet, when we decide to follow Jesus, some things have to change.

As I look back on life, it amazes me how long I held out against God. For years I held back from giving my life to Jesus … and not because I didn’t believe in Him. Deep down, I always knew that He was who He said He was. So what held me back?

Well, the same thing that holds so many people back: the fear of what we might have to give up. There were things in my life back then that I knew were wrong and yet like so many others, I clung on to them like … grim death.

Why do we do that? We know these things are bad for us and yet, we fight like hell (I choose that word deliberately) to hang on to them.

Probably, it’s because we don’t like change. Probably, it’s because we’re afraid that by giving these things up, we’ll miss out on goodness knows what.

So, while some people hang back, others do take the step of faith in Jesus, but never deal with the sin that’s ruining their lives.

2 Timothy 2:19 But God’s strong foundation never moves, and these words are written on it: “The Lord knows those who belong to him.” Also, these words are written there: “Everyone who says they believe in the Lord must stop doing wrong.”

Look, there’s right and there’s wrong. And as much as people these days want to blur the line between the two, God’s strong foundation never moves.

Whoever says that they believe in Jesus – that includes you, it includes me – must stop doing what is wrong.

It’s crunch time.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Venessa Raymond

Awesome Teaching! May God’s blessings be upon you and may He continue to bless your work abundantly.

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