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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

A Stunning New Life for You

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John 10:10 A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came to give life—life that is full and good.

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Can I encourage you to take a moment to stand back, and just think about your life? The life you’re leading right at the moment. On a scale from zero to ten, irrespective of what you have going on at the moment, how satisfying is your life?

I sometimes ask people, “What sort of a life do you think that God wants you to live?” Now let’s think about it. What are the options? A boring life? An ordinary life? Or, perhaps, a stunning life – a life of impact in this world, a life that may leave you exhausted at the end, but with that deep satisfaction mixed in too?

Come on, on a scale of zero to ten, what sort of a life do you think that God wants you to live – this God who sent Jesus to die and rise again for you?

Zero – a rotten life? Five – on okay kind of life, I guess? Seven and a half – a pretty good life? Or ten – a stunning life? This is how Jesus put it:

John 10:10 A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came to give life—life that is full and good.

So what He wants for you is a full and a good life, an abundant life and anything less than that, according to Him, is from the devil. The original Greek words that sit aback of our English translation there, literally means a “super-abundant” life.

That super-abundant life isn’t always a comfortable life, or a wealthy life. No, often it’s not that at all. It’s a life that weighs in and counts for Jesus. A life that bears fruit. It’s a life that leaves you, as I said, with that tired but contented feeling. It’s a fulfilling life.

A stunning life and nothing less! That’s the life that Jesus has planned for you.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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It sounds “dorky” to say but the daily emails, many times, are the highlights of my day. I get so caught up working with people that I forget to take care of myself. When the mail comes I take time to have some time with the Lord. Thank you.

Ron j


Thank you very much for your teachings Appreciate that they are Bible centered teachings. Short and focused.

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